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12 Days of Christmas 12 Days of competitions and offers!
12 Days of Christmas

'Tis the season for joy and cheer! Over the next 12 days, we’ll be spreading joy with incredible offers on selected gift vouchers, exclusive discounts on events, and a series of exciting competitions!

Keep an eye on our social media and website so you don't miss out on the action! Terms and conditions apply.

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New Competitions and Offers Announced at 9am Each Morning!

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Day 1 | 12 Days of Christmas

On the 1st Day of Christmas Hatherley Manor gave to me...

Open Day 1
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Day 2 | 12 Days of Christmas

On the 2nd Day of Christmas Hatherley Manor gave to me...

Open Day 2
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Day 3 | 12 Days of Christmas

On the 3rd Day of Christmas Hatherley Manor gave to me...

Open Day 3
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Day 4 | 12 Days of Christmas

On the 4th Day of Christmas Hatherley Manor gave to me...

Open Day 4
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Day 5 | 12 Days of Christmas

On the 5th Day of Christmas Hatherley Manor gave to me...

Open Day 5
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Day 6 | 12 Days of Christmas

On the 6th Day of Christmas Hatherley Manor gave to me...

Open Day 6
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Day 7 | 12 Days of Christmas

On the 7th Day of Christmas Hatherley Manor gave to me...

Open Day 7
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Day 8 | 12 Days of Christmas

On the 7th Day of Christmas Hatherley Manor gave to me...

Open Day 8
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Day 9 | 12 Days of Christmas

On the 9th Day of Christmas Hatherley Manor gave to me...

Open Day 9
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Day 10 | 12 Days of Christmas

On the 10th Day of Christmas Hatherley Manor gave to me...

Open Day 10
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Day 11 | 12 Days of Christmas

On the 11th Day of Christmas Hatherley Manor gave to me...

Open Day 11
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Day 12 | 12 Days of Christmas

On the 12th Day of Christmas Hatherley Manor gave to me...

Open Day 12

12 Days of Christmas

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